An Open Letter To Handicap Parking Violators: Just Stop.
AdvocacyHandicap parking violators (Also known as "the bane of my existence"), are freaking everywhere. Before I was hurt, I literally had no idea that it was even an issue. I mean, it seriously never occurred to me that it would be ok to park there. I remember the moment I realized that not everyone had the same mindset as me.

An Attitude Of Gratitude: It OK To Accept Help
AdvocacyHaving a physical disability often makes me stand out in a crowd. People notice when my foot goes up to pay for a purchase or when I am struggling to carry something and naturally people want to help. But I love being able to do many things on my own because it makes me feel like a regular person. Like the first time I drove by myself or the day I moved out on my own. When I really want to get something done I will find a way, but having a disability often requires extra time and creative thinking. While in elementary, I would spend the entire recess figuring out how I would scale a stair-less platform just to go down the playground’s slide once. When I became a mother, I had to figure out how to hold, burp and carry my baby.